Are you considering private school for your child? Private school can be a great way to help your child reach his or her academic goals and make sure that their education aligns with your values. Private schools often offer curriculum, extracurriculars, and athletic opportunities that aren’t available in public schools. As you likely know, private schools also cost tuition. This extra expense means it’s important that you choose the right one for your student and your budget. According to The Advocates, one out of every four schools is a private school, so you have plenty of options. Below are a few things to consider so you can find the best private school for your child.

Graduate Success

One of the best ways to gauge a private school is to look at what its alumni are currently up to. The private school should be able to provide information and data about its graduates. That data may include how many went to college, the type of college they went to, and their current jobs. There also may be information about test scores, scholarships, and even how many go on to pursue graduate degrees. If several of the school’s graduates are finding success after they leave, that is usually a good sign.

Class Sizes

Private schools have a distinct advantage over public schools in that private schools can limit their enrollment and therefore their classroom sizes. Many of the best private schools intentionally leave their classes small so students can get individualized attention and custom education. Teachers are able to adapt their teaching to better meet their students’ needs. A private school should be able to tell you its class sizes. To get a better feel for this, you could tour the school and have your child shadow other students for a day.


Does your student have a specific interest or passion? Maybe they’re crazy about music or excel at a sport. Maybe they want to participate in certain clubs to prepare for college. Many private schools offer a diverse set of extracurriculars, including sports teams, arts organizations, clubs, and much more. You may be able to find a private school that has the exact extracurriculars your kid wants.

Do you want to find the best private school for your student? Contact Private Schools Locator today for our expert advice.