There are many reasons why parents decide to enroll their children in local private schools. The smaller student-to-teacher ratio is one of those reasons. According to U.S. News, the average student-to-teacher ratio at private schools was just under 12 students per teacher. This is much lower than the average ratio at public schools. If you are torn between whether a public or private school is the better fit for your child, here are some of the benefits you should know about smaller classroom sizes.

1. More Personalized Attention

The number one reason why smaller is better when it comes to the number of students versus teachers is that teachers with smaller classroom sizes can provide more personalized attention. Think about it as a parent. If you have one child, your child gets all of your attention. If you have two children, your attention is equally divided. The more kids you have, the less individualized attention each child gets. The same is true for teachers.

2. Lesson Plans Geared Toward Children’s Learning Styles

Teachers teach using lesson plans. Public school teachers have a standard way of teaching. This style may be great for some, but not for all. Private school teachers have more flexibility, and having smaller classroom sizes also helps them to learn about the way their smaller group learns. As they learn more about the students in their classroom, they can adjust the lesson plan to cater to the learning style of their students. This helps kids to learn and retain the information.

3. An Inviting Classroom Setting

Think about when you were in school. For many, it was intimidating to read in front of the class or go to the chalkboard and solve a math problem. With a smaller class size, it helps to make the classroom setting more inviting, especially for children who are shy or have anxiety. It also helps increase comfort in kids as they ask questions or ask for help. This is conducive to their learning.

You want to help your child get the best possible education. For many parents, this means enrolling their children in local private schools. Many private facilities have a smaller student-to-teacher ratio, which has been shown to help children in a number of different ways. If you are looking to learn more about local private schools in your area, visit our website to see a complete listing.